It is funny how when you get older you start noticing more things than when you were younger. About four or five years ago, we had a family vacation in Colorado in May. During the time we were there, I really enjoyed watching the birds that visited the local bird feeder at our cabin. So much was my enjoyment of this activity, my kids took notice and they purchased me my own bird feeder the following Father's Day. I immediately put it up and I have been an avid bird watcher ever since. Recently, we have had a lot of squirrels invade the feeder and the bird seed has disappeared rapidly. After a little Internet research, I purchased a "squirrel proof" bird feeder. It was fun to watch the squirrels jump on the feeder and try desperately to eat the bird seed they had grown so fond of all this time. When they jump on the feeder, their heavy weight forces the leaf designed door to close over the openings in the feeder. Eventually, they gave up, realizing they were no longer welcome to share the feed with the birds.
For several years, each summer the Cardinals appear at our home. I decided to take a few pictures today. They have grown very comfortable with us and even though I zoomed in for the pictures, for the most part they don't seem too frightened of us.
They say when you get older, you start to appreciate the small things in life. I guess that is true because it is so fun to see the birds and nature existing in our own backyard. Hope you enjoy the pictures.
Love the cardinals!